The Web3 HTTP protocol

Create Web3 apps that can communicate with users, tokens, and other applications on any chain in a secure manner, much as on the web.

Official Partners

Introducing WebGCall

WebGCall, a straightforward yet effective basic that enables apps to communicate with users, tokens, and other applications on any chain, can speed up the development of your applications.

WebGCalls’ user-friendly interface enables developers to get started using it with just a few lines of code.

Security By Design

Due to monolithic systems with weak trust structures, billions have been lost in bridge attacks throughout the sector. In contrast, WebGlide prioritises security and trust reduction above all else.


To protect data and transactions across chains, WebGlide derives its security from the canonical bridges themselves.

Developer Experience

Because to its simplicity, ease of integration, and robust developer support, WebGlide is frequently chosen by developers.

Public Good

In order to create a more usable Web3 projects, an open community of developers is creating WebGlide, a public good.

Build Any Kind of Crosschain App

Crosschain Liquidity

Next-gen DeFi protocols with access to liquidity and data anywhere.

Crosschain NFTs

Crosschain-native NFTs that seamlessly move with you, no matter which chain you’re on.

Crosschain Governance

Unlock new crosschain primitives and use cases for web3 tooling:

A modular system called WebGlide is used to safely transfer money and data between chains. Crosschain programmes (WebGApps), or programmes that communicate with many domains (blockchains and/or rollups) concurrently, may be created by developers using WebGlide.






1% On Sell


10 Billion

Since our investors’ security and safety are our top priorities at WebGlide, we have earned the highest level of safety certification to guarantee the best protection of their funds.

“Supercharge your dApp. Interact with users, tokens, and data from any chain with just a few lines of code.”

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